Wellbeing Laughter

& Stress Relief with Robert Rivest

Laughter Yoga

What is Laughter Yoga?

Laughter yoga is a fun, effective way to exercise and socialize while receiving the mind-body health benefits of laughing. Laughter yoga was created in 1995, when a medical doctor, Dr. Madan Kataria, first combined breathing exercises from yoga with improvised laughter exercises. Laughter Yoga has turned into an international health movement that has quickly traveled around the world.

Robert Rivest is one of the most popular Laughter Yoga Master Trainers in the world today! 

Robert offers Laughter Yoga classes, trainings, keynotes and workshops. Laughter Yoga can be combined with several of Robert Rivest Programs  

Laughter yoga is a fun, effective way to exercise and socialize while receiving the mind-body health benefits of laughing. Laughter yoga was created in 1995, when a medical doctor, Dr. Madan Kataria, first combined breathing exercises from yoga with improvised laughter exercises. Laughter Yoga has turned into an international health movement that has quickly traveled around the world.

Robert Rivest is one of the most popular Laughter Yoga Master Trainers in the world today! 

Robert offers Laughter Yoga classes, trainings, keynotes and workshops. Laughter Yoga can be combined with several of Robert Rivest Programs  


Online, In-person, Laughter Classes & more. 

See Online Class Options Below

You can also book Robert Rivest for Online or In-person Group Sessions, One-On-One Coaching &  Specialized Trainings.

In-person near you?

Travel to Springfield?

Let’s create a fun event!

In-Person Laughter Yoga Leader Certification & Refresher

Date: September 21-22, 2024

Location: Farmington, CT

Times: 9:30am-4:30pm ET

Fees: $400 Laughter Yoga Leader Certification. $200 Laughter Refresher/Returning Students

To pay:  Type in the event(s), date(s) Your Email and $USD amount to SEND to Robert Rivest 

Laughter Yoga Leader Training / Certification & Refresher

June 1-2, 2024  Online $400

9:30am-4:30pm ET  USA NYC Time

$400 Laughter Yoga Leader Training/Certification
$200 Laughter Refresher

To pay:  Type in the event(s), date(s) Your Email and $USD amount to SEND to Robert Rivest 

Mime Skills for All! Robert Rivest Comic Mime Artist/International Laughter Yoga Teacher


Online/ In-Person Classes and Coaching

available on demand. Contact Robert.

To pay:  Type in the event(s), date(s) Your Email and $USD amount to SEND to Robert Rivest 

Wellbeing Laughter &

The Rivest Method of Joyful Living


Online/ In-Person Classes and Coaching

available on demand. Contact Robert.

To pay:  Type in the event(s), date(s) Your Email and $USD amount to SEND to Robert Rivest 
Wellbeing Laughter The Rivest Method

Thich Nhat Hanh’s Teachings & Mindful Verses Embodied

with mime, dance, mindful moves & poetry in motion.


Online/ In-Person Classes and Coaching

available on demand. Contact Robert.

To pay:  Type in the event(s), date(s) Your Email and $USD amount to SEND to Robert Rivest 

How to Lead Chair Laughter Yoga for Seniors & Wellbeing Laughter for Seniors with Robert Rivest


Online/ In-Person Classes and Coaching

available on demand. Contact Robert.

To pay:  Type in the event(s), date(s) Your Email and $USD amount to SEND to Robert Rivest 

“Live in Flow” We  expolore several ways to lower tension and stress, while increasing happiness and joy.


Online/ In-Person Classes and Coaching

available on demand. Contact Robert.

To pay:  Type in the event(s), date(s) Your Email and $USD amount to SEND to Robert Rivest 

“How to Prepare for Your Presentation”
with Robert Rivest


Online/ In-Person Classes and Coaching

available on demand. Contact Robert.

To pay:  Type in the event(s), date(s) Your Email and $USD amount to SEND to Robert Rivest 

Mindful Tai-chi & Fun Laughter Flow:  Nice blend of mindful breathing, Robert’s tai-chi, & qigong flow, with light-hearted laughter.


Online/ In-Person Classes and Coaching

available on demand. Contact Robert.

To pay:  Type in the event(s), date(s) Your Email and $USD amount to SEND to Robert Rivest 

Trainings & Certifications for Laughter Yoga

Robert offers individual, group and company trainings 

• 2-Day Laughter Yoga Leader Training/ Certification Program 

• 5-Day Laughter Yoga Teacher Training/ Certification

• Personalize Laughter Yoga Coaching

In-Person Laughter Yoga Leader Training & Laughter Refresher Options:

In-Person Laughter Yoga Leader Certification & Refresher

Date: September 21-22, 2024

Location: Farmington, CT

Times: 9:30am-4:30pm ET

Fees: $400 Laughter Yoga Leader Certification.

 Type in Event, Date and correct USD amount to SEND.

or . . . Book Robert for private  customized group training anytime!

Contact Robert for more info

Laughter Yoga Leader Training (V1) with Robert Rivest CMT

Laughter Yoga Leader Training (V2) with Robert Rivest CMT

Health Benefits of Laughter Yoga

Boosts Immune System: Laughter yoga can enhance immunity, making you less prone to illnesses. Practicing laughter quickly increases levels of  anti-viral and anti-infection cells; our immune system’s first lines of defense against illnesses.

Lowers Stress Levels: Laughter helps in reducing stress by decreasing the production of stress hormones. Laughter Yoga brings about significant reductions in the stress hormone cortisol and activates the parasympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system. 

Relieves Pain: Laughter can act as a natural painkiller. Laughter Yoga releases endorphins: natural substances our nervous system produces to help us deal with pain and stress. 

Abdominal Workout: Laughter yoga can serve as a great exercise for your abs due to the movements involved while laughing. LY has a positve effect on trunk muscle acivation.

Protects Heart and Lungs: Laughter Yoga helps you flow. By improving blood vessel function and increasing blood flow, laughter yoga benefits cardiovascular health and enhances lung capacity.

Elevates Mood: LY is a quick me me up. The secretion of mood-enhancing hormones like dopamine and endorphins during laughter yoga, can uplift your mood instantly.

Improves Blood Pressure: A daily practice of laughter yoga helps regulate your BP and can help manage high blood pressure.

Enhances Self-Belief and Security: Laughter yoga can boost self-confidence and instill a sense of security.

Promotes Positive Energy: Laughing stimulates the release of positive energy, making you feel energetic, upbeat and more alive. LY guided relaxation also helps you feel calm and peaceful.

Distraction from Negative Thoughts: Laughter yoga serves as an effective distraction from negative thoughts, promoting mental wellbeing, while allowing you to be in the present moment.

Laughter Yoga Videos

Robert Rivest’s First Laughter Yoga Video! Fun 10 Min Follow Along

What is Laughter Yoga with Robert Rivest International Master Trainer

Laughter Yoga 40 Foundation Exercises. Robert Rivest CMT

Wellbeing Laughter • Trainings & Retreats

Robert offers individual, group and company trainings

  • Wellbeing Laughter in the Workplace
  • Wellbeing Laughter Personal Practice
  • Personalize Wellbeing Laughter Coaching

Contact Robert for more info

Robert offers individual, group and company trainings

  • Wellbeing Laughter in the Workplace
  • Wellbeing Laughter Personal Practice
  • Personalize Wellbeing Laughter Coaching

Contact Robert for more info

The Rivest Method • Training & Retreats

Robert offers individual, group and company trainings

  • The Rivest Method of Joyful Living in the Workplace
  • The Rivest Method of Joyful Living Personal Practice
  • Personalized Rivest Method of Joyful Living Coaching

Coaching & Mentoring

What would you like to learn from Robert Rivest? 

Robert can coach you in all aspects of his practice: 

The Rivest Method of Joyful Living

  • Sitting, standing, walking & moving meditations
  • Breathing exercises to regulate energy & mood
  • Laughter Yoga & Wellbeing Laughter explorations
  • Anxiety & Stress Relief Exercises
  • Mime, movement, improvisation & expression
  • How to embody happiness & joy
  • Positive visualization 
  • Poetry in motion to free the body & mind
  • Mindfulness in everyday life.

    What would you like to learn from Robert Rivest? 

    Robert can coach you in all aspects of his practice: 

    The Rivest Method of Joyful Living

    • Sitting, standing, walking & moving meditations
    • Breathing exercises to regulate energy & mood
    • Laughter Yoga & Wellbeing Laughter explorations
    • Anxiety & Stress Relief Exercises
    • Mime, movement, improvisation & expression
    • How to embody happiness & joy
    • Positive visualization 
    • Poetry in motion to free the body & mind
    • Mindfulness in everyday life.